Abstract going global....

Abstract going global....

The global abstract art scene is a vibrant and diverse landscape that has evolved significantly over the past century. From the early days of modernism to the postmodern and contemporary movements, abstract art has played a central role in the art world.

According to a report by Artprice, the global abstract art market saw a total value of $3.6 billion in 2018, with the top 500 artists accounting for 52% of the total market value. In addition, the report found that the average price for an abstract work of art at auction was $17,300, with the top 10% of abstract works fetching an average price of $112,600.

Abstract art is defined by its lack of representation or depiction of recognizable objects or figures. Instead, it is characterized by the use of color, shape, and line to create a composition that is expressive and emotive.

One of the earliest and most influential movements in abstract art was abstract expressionism, which emerged in the 1940s and 1950s. This movement was characterized by gestural brushstrokes, vibrant color palettes, and a focus on the expressive power of the individual artist. Some of the most famous abstract expressionist artists include Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, and Mark Rothko.

As the art world has evolved, so too has the abstract art scene. Today, there are a wide variety of abstract styles and techniques being explored by artists all over the world. From the colorful and geometric compositions of Op Art, to the expressive and gestural brushstrokes of gestural abstraction, there is no shortage of diversity in the abstract art scene.

One of the most exciting aspects of the global abstract art scene is the way it reflects the cultural and social influences of the time. From the political and social upheaval of the 1960s and 1970s, to the more introspective and conceptual art of the 1980s and 1990s, abstract art has always been a means of exploring and expressing the zeitgeist.

Today, the abstract art scene is more diverse and inclusive than ever before, with artists from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds creating innovative and expressive works. Whether it’s through the use of traditional media like paint and canvas, or more experimental techniques like video and installation art, the abstract art scene continues to push the boundaries of what art can be.

Overall, the global abstract art scene is a vibrant and dynamic landscape that continues to inspire and challenge artists and collectors alike. Whether you’re a seasoned art enthusiast or just getting started, there’s no better time to dive into the world of abstract art and discover the endless possibilities it has to offer.

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